We know of 2246 organisations that are using Ruby on Rails. We'd love to know about more and celebrate our wonderful community.
Argentina (8)
Brazil (183)
Canada (82)
Chile (6)
Colombia (1)
Mexico (7)
Puerto Rico (1)
United States (1065)
Uruguay (8)
Austria (4)
Belgium (15)
Bosnia and Herzegovina (1)
Bulgaria (2)
Croatia (3)
Czechia (8)
Denmark (12)
Estonia (4)
Finland (8)
France (68)
Germany (90)
Greece (4)
Ireland (12)
Italy (9)
Latvia (1)
Lithuania (5)
Luxembourg (1)
Netherlands (41)
Norway (10)
Poland (15)
Portugal (9)
Romania (2)
Russian Federation (10)
Slovakia (7)
Slovenia (4)
Spain (20)
Sweden (27)
Switzerland (43)
Ukraine (3)
United Kingdom (186)
Bahrain (1)
Brunei Darussalam (1)
Cyprus (1)
Hong Kong (1)
India (11)
Israel (6)
Japan (17)
Jordan (2)
Kazakhstan (1)
Malaysia (10)
Nepal (3)
Pakistan (4)
Philippines (3)
Saudi Arabia (7)
Singapore (13)
South Korea (2)
Thailand (3)
Türkiye (5)
United Arab Emirates (7)
Vietnam (2)
Not sure! (79)